Integrate with Gempages
GemPages is a drag & drop page builder on Shopify that creates high-converting, code-free pages with an all-in-one tool.
- Be assured that the 2 apps have been installed:
Install GemPages Page Builder
Install LAI Product Reviews
- Click on Library > select Elements > search for LAI Product Reviews > turn on the app.

Step 1: Add this extension to your chrome: LAI Reviews
- On the left area, scroll down to the bottom > drag and drop LAI elements block to your favorite position on the page.

- LAI AliExpress - Star ratings block is added by default.
- To show another element, please choose it here:

- Save and publish the block addition and check it in your online store.
- On the left area, please choose Liquid block > drag and drop the block to your favorite position on the page.

- Choose a widget you want to add to the position.
- Click on the pen icon on the right bar.

- Use following LAI code to show widget:
1. Product review section
2. Card carousel
3. Testimonial carousel
4. Media gallery
5. Card grid
6. Star ratings
Each piece of code is just added to one Liquid block.
- For example, if you want to add LAI Product review section block:

- Save and publish the block addition and check it in your online store.
If you have any problem, please contact us via live chat or drop us an emails to We are more than happy to assist you.
Install two apps
- Be assured that the 2 apps have been installed:
Install GemPages Page Builder
Install LAI Product Reviews
Method 1: Add LAI elements
Step 1: Enable LAI Product Reviews
- Click on Library > select Elements > search for LAI Product Reviews > turn on the app.

Step 1: Add this extension to your chrome: LAI Reviews
Step 2: Choose an element
- On the left area, scroll down to the bottom > drag and drop LAI elements block to your favorite position on the page.

- LAI AliExpress - Star ratings block is added by default.
- To show another element, please choose it here:

Step 3: Save and publish
- Save and publish the block addition and check it in your online store.
Method 2: Add LAI code
Step 1: Add elements
- On the left area, please choose Liquid block > drag and drop the block to your favorite position on the page.

Step 2: Add LAI code
- Choose a widget you want to add to the position.
- Click on the pen icon on the right bar.

- Use following LAI code to show widget:
1. Product review section
{% assign random_number = "now" | date: "%N" | modulo: 1000 | plus: 0 %}<script>var sectionConfig= (typeof sectionConfig == "undefined" || sectionConfig == null) ? {} : sectionConfig;var scmCustomData= (typeof scmCustomData == "undefined" || scmCustomData == null) ? {} : scmCustomData;var scmCustomDataWigetAll= (typeof scmCustomDataWigetAll == "undefined" || scmCustomDataWigetAll == null) ? [] : scmCustomDataWigetAll; scmCustomDataWigetAll['{{ random_number }}'] ={"id_iframe" : "{{ random_number }}","productId" : "{{ }}","typePage" : 'productPage',"sectionConfig" : JSON.stringify(sectionConfig),"scmCustomData" : JSON.stringify(scmCustomData),'dataProduct' : []};sectionConfig= null;scmCustomData= null;scmCustomDataWigetAll['{{ random_number }}'].dataProduct['product']= {{ product | json }};{% for metafieldValue in product.metafields.scm_review_importer %}scmCustomDataWigetAll['{{ random_number }}'].dataProduct['{{ metafieldValue[0] }}']= `{{ metafieldValue[1] | json }}`;{% endfor %}</script>
<div class="scm-container" style="display: none;">
<div class="scm-reviews-importer" data-product-id= "{{ }}">
<iframe class="scm-reviews-importer-iframe" width="100%" title="Sma reviews section Product page" data-idIframe="{{ random_number }}"></iframe>
2. Card carousel
<script>var sectionConfig={ "type_layout" : "cardCarousel", "source" : "default_layout"};</script>{% assign random_number = "now" | date: "%N" | modulo: 1000 | plus: 0 %}<script>var sectionConfig= (typeof sectionConfig == "undefined" || sectionConfig == null) ? {} : sectionConfig;var scmCustomData= (typeof scmCustomData == "undefined" || scmCustomData == null) ? {} : scmCustomData;var scmCustomDataWigetAll= (typeof scmCustomDataWigetAll == "undefined" || scmCustomDataWigetAll == null) ? [] : scmCustomDataWigetAll; scmCustomDataWigetAll['{{ random_number }}'] ={ "id_iframe" : "{{ random_number }}","productId" : "","typePage" : 'homePage',"sectionConfig" : JSON.stringify(sectionConfig),"scmCustomData" : JSON.stringify(scmCustomData),'dataProduct' : []};sectionConfig= null;scmCustomData= null;</script><div class="scm-container" style="display: none;"><div class="scm-reviews-importer"><iframe class="scm-reviews-importer-iframe" width="100%" title="Sma reviews section Home Page" data-idIframe="{{ random_number }}"></iframe></div></div>
3. Testimonial carousel
<script>var sectionConfig={ "type_layout" : "testimonial", "source" : "default_layout"};</script>{% assign random_number = "now" | date: "%N" | modulo: 1000 | plus: 0 %}<script>var sectionConfig= (typeof sectionConfig == "undefined" || sectionConfig == null) ? {} : sectionConfig;var scmCustomData= (typeof scmCustomData == "undefined" || scmCustomData == null) ? {} : scmCustomData;var scmCustomDataWigetAll= (typeof scmCustomDataWigetAll == "undefined" || scmCustomDataWigetAll == null) ? [] : scmCustomDataWigetAll; scmCustomDataWigetAll['{{ random_number }}'] ={ "id_iframe" : "{{ random_number }}","productId" : "","typePage" : 'homePage',"sectionConfig" : JSON.stringify(sectionConfig),"scmCustomData" : JSON.stringify(scmCustomData),'dataProduct' : []};sectionConfig= null;scmCustomData= null;</script><div class="scm-container" style="display: none;"><div class="scm-reviews-importer"><iframe class="scm-reviews-importer-iframe" width="100%" title="Sma reviews section Home Page" data-idIframe="{{ random_number }}"></iframe></div></div>
4. Media gallery
<script>var sectionConfig={ "type_layout" : "gallery", "source" : "default_layout"};</script>{% assign random_number = "now" | date: "%N" | modulo: 1000 | plus: 0 %}<script>var sectionConfig= (typeof sectionConfig == "undefined" || sectionConfig == null) ? {} : sectionConfig;var scmCustomData= (typeof scmCustomData == "undefined" || scmCustomData == null) ? {} : scmCustomData;var scmCustomDataWigetAll= (typeof scmCustomDataWigetAll == "undefined" || scmCustomDataWigetAll == null) ? [] : scmCustomDataWigetAll; scmCustomDataWigetAll['{{ random_number }}'] ={ "id_iframe" : "{{ random_number }}","productId" : "","typePage" : 'homePage',"sectionConfig" : JSON.stringify(sectionConfig),"scmCustomData" : JSON.stringify(scmCustomData),'dataProduct' : []};sectionConfig= null;scmCustomData= null;</script><div class="scm-container" style="display: none;"><div class="scm-reviews-importer"><iframe class="scm-reviews-importer-iframe" width="100%" title="Sma reviews section Home Page" data-idIframe="{{ random_number }}"></iframe></div></div>
5. Card grid
<script>var sectionConfig={ "type_layout" : "grid", "source" : "default_layout"};</script>{% assign random_number = "now" | date: "%N" | modulo: 1000 | plus: 0 %}<script>var sectionConfig= (typeof sectionConfig == "undefined" || sectionConfig == null) ? {} : sectionConfig;var scmCustomData= (typeof scmCustomData == "undefined" || scmCustomData == null) ? {} : scmCustomData;var scmCustomDataWigetAll= (typeof scmCustomDataWigetAll == "undefined" || scmCustomDataWigetAll == null) ? [] : scmCustomDataWigetAll; scmCustomDataWigetAll['{{ random_number }}'] ={ "id_iframe" : "{{ random_number }}","productId" : "","typePage" : 'homePage',"sectionConfig" : JSON.stringify(sectionConfig),"scmCustomData" : JSON.stringify(scmCustomData),'dataProduct' : []};sectionConfig= null;scmCustomData= null;</script><div class="scm-container" style="display: none;"><div class="scm-reviews-importer"><iframe class="scm-reviews-importer-iframe" width="100%" title="Sma reviews section Home Page" data-idIframe="{{ random_number }}"></iframe></div></div>
6. Star ratings
<div class="scm-reviews-rate" data-rate-version2="{{ product.metafields.scm_review_importer.reviewsData.reviewCountInfo | json }}" data-product-id="{{ }}"></div>
Each piece of code is just added to one Liquid block.
- For example, if you want to add LAI Product review section block:

Step 3: Save and publish
- Save and publish the block addition and check it in your online store.
If you have any problem, please contact us via live chat or drop us an emails to We are more than happy to assist you.
Updated on: 22/01/2024
Thank you!